Pan Radford's inspiration
I have loved art all my life and the older I get the more my imagery is developed from my enjoyment of circuses, fair ground art, seaside art and the satisfaction of art that is obvious and amusing. I have worked both in 3 dimensions and 2 dimensions and a variety of media.
oooI trained as a fashion designer and my earliest work, 'The Ladies' soft sculpture, evolved after
seeing soft sculpture in California. On my return
I evolved my own technique through trial and error!
oooI then became interested in ceramics (the boots of my Ladies are earthenware) and became interested in people metamorphosising into animals, birds and monsters.
oooAs I have got older I have become more interested
in 2 dimensional work and have been inspired by books in the children’s library at the primary school where
I taught Art. The Natural History books for the animals and the Biology text books for the Heads series.
oooI developed my collage work from the animals drawings and started printing my own paper for the Heads series. I now work totally in collage
and have returned to my original love of the seaside (a Punch and Judy series) and pantomime (a series of Dames) printing all my own paper. I have reached a time in my life where I can reflect and put to good use my experiences. I have achieved an artistic style which is special
to me and will, I hope, continue to develop.